Palestinian wants two state solution from Israel on 1967 lines

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2016-07-31T17:06:08+05:00 News Desk

PARIS, July 31, (APP/AFP) - Palestinian President Mahmud

Abbas has said any reboot of peace talks with Israel should happen

within a clear timeframe and under international supervision, after

meeting with US Secretary of State John Kerry in Paris.


Abbas also held talks with French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc

Ayrault on the prospects of achieving a two-state solution, senior Palestinian official Saeb Erakat said, describing both discussions

as "very constructive".


"We need a timeline for the negotiations, we need a timeline

for the implementation, and we need an international framework that

will ensure the implementation of any agreement reached," Erakat

told reporters.


France has been leading a fresh initiative to revive the

stalled Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, after the last round

of negotiations collapsed in 2014.


But while Palestinians have welcomed the French push,

Israel has said it favours direct negotiations.


Abbas "reiterated our full support to the French

initiative that aims to convene an international conference

before the end of the year," Erakat said.


The Palestinian negotiator added that there was "no

contradiction" between the French, US and more recently Egyptian

efforts to break the deadlock and move the peace talks forward.


"All these efforts aim to revive the peace process, to

achieve the two-state solution (based) on the 1967 lines. They

are complementary," he said.

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