Pakistan's foreign policy on right track: Analysts 

Pakistan's foreign policy on right track: Analysts 

ISLAMABAD: (APP) A number of prominent diplomatic analysts Tuesday termed the government's foreign policy as highly successful because its main contours focussing on vast regional connectivity through economic prosperity has drawn encouraging response among the comity of nations.

They also completely rejected the perception by certain quarters about Pakistan's isolation on the global scene because through aggressive foreign policy, Pakistan had very effectively presented its viewpoint on various issues at the world leading fora, drawing global accolades.

Talking to APP, former foreign secretary Najmuddin Shaikh said maintaining good relations with neighbours had always been the core ingredient of Pakistan's foreign policy.

Pakistan had attended various world fora which reflected the effectiveness of its foreign policy, he added.

To a question, he replied that there was need to strengthen border management with Afghanistan as it was used by a large number of inhabitants on both sides of the border.

He said peace in Afghanistan was vital for the whole region and Pakistan was playing its role as facilitator for dialogue process to bring about stability in the war torn country.

About the issue of Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG), Sheikh opined that any discrimination against Pakistan would not be accepted as the country possessed full credentials to be included in the elite Group.

He said Pakistan's desire for good relations with its neighbours should be reciprocated with the same spirit.

Rustam Shah Mohmmand, former ambassador, maintained that effective border management between Pakistan and Afghanistan was required due to security reasons.

He stressed that besides Chaman and Torkham borders, checking at other border crossing points should also be enhanced and upgraded.

The former diplomat said under the fast changing global scenes, countries were realigning their positions and under such circumstances, China was emerging as a power in the region.

China had invested 46$ billion through China Pakistan Economic Corridor which would be a game changer in the whole region, he added.

Mushtaq Mehar, another notable analyst, replied that Pakistan's foreign policy was advancing on the right track.

Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif's hard work was paying dividends and the main drivers of the foreign policy including larger regional connectivity and economic prosperity had proved successful, Mehar opined.

He termed it as a right decision to increase border management between Pakistan and Afghanistan.

He stressed for maintaining soft delicacy in Pakistan's relations with India.

Former ambassador Masood Khan said success of the country's foreign policy could be gauged over strong diplomacy related to the membership of the NSG and Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).