China to enhance counter terrorism cooperation with Pakistan: FO

China to enhance counter terrorism cooperation with Pakistan: FO

BEIJING -- A Chinese foreign ministry’s spokesperson said on Tuesday that China highly valued Pakistan’s active measures to strengthen financial supervision and crack down on terrorist financing and asked the international community to objectively and justly view and evaluate Pakistan’s efforts in the field of international anti-terrorism instead of accusing Pakistan of bias with prejudice.

“Pakistan has taken active measures to strengthen financial supervision and crack down on terrorist financing and made important progress. China gives high recognition to this,” Lu Kang said during his regular briefing while responding to a question asked by the APP Correspondent.

“We hope all concerned parties in the international community can give an objective and fair assessment of this,” he added.

When asked to comment that Pakistan had always been at the forefront of the international fight against terrorism and how did China view the role played by the international community in supporting Pakistan’s anti-terrorist efforts, he said, “My colleague and myself have said many times that the Pakistani government and people have made tremendous contributions and sacrifices to fighting terrorism.”

The spokesperson said that whether it was on the ground or in the area of financial counter-terrorism, Pakistan had made tremendous efforts, which were well known to the international community.

“We have also called on all parties concerned in the international community to objectively and justly view and evaluate Pakistan’s efforts in the field of international anti-terrorism instead of accusing Pakistan of bias with prejudice,” he added.

Lu Kang remarked that as an all-weather strategic partner of Pakistan, China would continue to strengthen its communication and coordination and cooperation with Pakistan on the anti-terrorism issue.

To yet another question regarding China’s support to Pakistan during the recent Financial Action Task Force (FATF) meeting, he said that China appraised Pakistan’s efforts and contributions in the field of international anti-terrorism, adding, “As I said just now, I will not repeat the above.”

He also stressed in particular that Pakistan’s contribution and efforts were also reflected in the area of financial anti-terrorism. The spokesperson said that in recent years, Pakistan had taken active measures to strengthen financial supervision and crack down on terrorist financing and made important progress. “China gives high recognition to this.”

“We hope all concerned parties in the international community can give an objective and fair assessment of this,” he added. - APP