Bahrain cracks down on Shiites on terrorism charges

Bahrain cracks down on Shiites on terrorism charges

A court in Bahrain on Tuesday jailed 36 Shiites convicted of forming a “terrorist” group to attack police, and stripped them of their citizenship, a judicial source said. 

Three of those sentenced received life terms, while the rest were jailed for between three and 10 years, the source said.

The defendants had been charged with “forming an illegal group that aimed to jeopardise the constitution and laws… using terrorism as one of its means,” according to the judicial source.

They were also accused of “possessing explosives without permits,” the source said, adding that the defendants confessed to taking part in riots and vandalism.

The kingdom has been the scene of frequent protests and clashes with police since security forces quelled Shiite-led nationwide protests that called for political reforms in 2011.

Hundreds of Bahrainis have been arrested and several high-profile figures, including Shiite clerics, stripped of citizenship.  – AFP