Chinese President message for Pakistani Nation

Chinese President message for Pakistani Nation

ISLAMABAD: Chinese President Xi Jinping has congratulated President Mamnoon Hussain, the government and people of Pakistan on the occasion of 78th Pakistan Day, being celebrated across the country on March 23.

“On behalf of the Chinese government and people and in my own name, I would like to extend my warm congratulations and best wishes to Your Excellency, and through you to the Pakistani government and people on the occasion of the 78th Pakistan Day,” he, in his message of felicitation to President Mamnoon Hussain, said.

The Chinese president said in recent years, under the leadership of Your Excellency and the Pakistani government, the people of Pakistan had properly responded to different kinds of challenges, maintained national security and stability, accelerated social economic development and continuously improved people’s livelihood.

“I rejoiced at the progress made by Pakistan in the cause of its national construction,” he added.

Over the past year, XI Jinping said China-Pakistan relations maintained a rapid momentum of development, with China Pakistan Economic Corridor moving into the stage of full implementation.

By taking opportunity of working together for the “Belt and Road” Initiative, he said both sides were making endeavors of jointly building China-Pakistan Community of Shared Destiny.

It conformed to the common interests of both countries and the two peoples, and was conducive to the peace and development of the region as well as the whole world, the Chinese president added.

He said he attached great importance to the development of China-Pakistan relations and was ready to work with his Pakistani counterpart to push forward China-Pakistan all-weather strategic cooperative partnership to a new level.

The Chinese president wished Pakistan enjoyed prosperity and its people well-being. – APP