Anti-Honour Killing Laws (Amendment) Bill 2015

Anti-Honour Killing Laws (Amendment) Bill 2015

ISLAMABAD (APP): Leader of the Opposition in Senate Aitzaz Ahsan Tuesday appealed the Government to pass Anti-Honour Killing Laws (Criminal Laws Amendment) Bill 2015 from Joint Sitting of the Parliament to discourage trend of honour killings in the society.

Speaking in the Senate, he said, the Senate had already passed a bill making it impossible for the family to pardon the killers in honour killing cases.

He said such kind of offence should be considered an offence against the state as in such cases one brother killed his sister while the other pardoned him.

Aitzaz said after passing of the bill, such kinds of offences would be discouraged and there could not be an agreement.

He said it would be a great service to the women folk and particulary the poor ones who were constantly living in fear and were victims of such offence.

He said those who had reservations regarding amendment in the law should review them in the larger interest of the nation. He said incidents of honour killings were in the reise in our society and the time has come to discourage such kinds of henious crimes.

Women are 50 percent of the population of Pakistan but they had become a problem for rest of 50 percent male population of the country, he said and added that in which directin our socieity was heading.

He said it was our prime responsibility to change this mind set and attitudes in the society and give the woman her due status, honour and dignity.

About killing of social media celebrity Qandeel Baloch, he feared that father of the deceased, on whom nomination the FIR had been registred against her two brothers, would forgive his sons. He said a 14-member Jirga in Swat.

The mentality of our socieity to consider women its property should be discouraged, he said, adding that poor girls, women were being killed in honour cases but no one come forward to support such kinds of people in the socitey.

Chairman Senate Raza Rabbani said downfall of our society has reached to such an extent that now questions were being raised that why donations were being given to Edhi Foundation where illegitimate children were being brought up .