Heat Stroke: Precautions and Emergency Cure

Heat Stroke: Precautions and Emergency Cure

ISLAMABAD: (APP) Heat Stroke: Precautions and Emergency Cure


Health experts have urged the citizens to take enough precautionary measures to avoid heat stroke during the heat wave conditions which are likely to persist till the mid of June as per weather predictions.


According to the weather predictions, heat wave conditions started from mid of May would continue till mid of June across the country with unusual increase in day temperatures.


Talking to APP, health expert from Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS) Dr. Wasim Khawaja advised the people to increase water intake and use cap, umbrella and sun glasses to avoid direct contact with sunlight.


He said children and old age people are more prone to suffer from heat stroke as they have low resistance power to fight the diseases.


He added, they must avoid going outside during the peak time and if someone faints due to heat, he must be taken inside the air conditioned or airy room and given water to drink.


He also suggested that the people should take more water, fresh juices and fruits to increase the resistance power in their bodies.


Another health expert, Dr. Sharif Astori from Polyclinic Hospital said the labourers are one of the most vulnerable groups among all during the heat wave condition as they stay and work out- door most of the times.


He emphasized that steps should be taken by the authorities for the health safety of labourers like during the hot weather conditions.


He was of the view that the assembly in the schools and colleges, usually held in open air, should also be avoided during the hot weather.


While those who walk and exercise regularly must avoid such practices during the hot weather, he said.


He said sweating due to heat causes fluids and mineral imbalance in the human body and results in low blood pressure, low sugar level, shivering, headache and nausea.


What one can do in emergency is to give a glass of water mixed with sugar and salt to the patient of heat stroke, put wet shawl or piece of cloth on him and keep him in shadow or indoor.