CPEC: A legacy of COAS General Raheel Sharif

CPEC: A legacy of COAS General Raheel Sharif

GWADAR: CPEC pilot project inauguration ceremony was held in Gwadar.

PM Nawaz Sharif was the Chief guest at the occasion along with COAS General Raheel Sharif.

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Speaking on the occasion, Director General FWO Major General Muhammad Afzal said the first pilot trade convoy had reached Gwadar after covering a distance of 3000 Kms from Kashghar.

He said under the concepts of modern times maritime trade activities, it would usher in socio-economic transformation of the whole region.

Terming CPEC as classical example of the time-tested bilateral ties between the two countries, the DG FWO said CPEC would be harbinger of socio-economic uplift of the three billion people of the region in which Gwadar would have the pivotal role as it would serve as the shortest and economically viable trade route.

He said it was the legacy of Chief of Army Staff General Raheel Sharif who after taking over the command of armed forces of Pakistan initiated the operation Zarb-e-Azb against terrorism, thus ultimately making possible the commencement of this mega project.

PM Nawaz Sharif address at the Gwadar Port inauguration of CPEC

He said the personnel of the armed forces had rendered the countless sacrifices for realizing this dream into reality and making it a successful story of 'toil, sweat and blood', he added.

The FWO DG also lauded Chief of Army Staff General Raheel Sharif's personal indulgence and devotion in the completion of development projects.

Maj. General Muhammad Afzal said the patronage of the Prime Minister was vital for the realization of the project.

He said Pakistan army provided security to the trade convoy from China to Gwadar and would ensure security of all the trade routes in future.

He thanked the Sino-Trans, a Chinese company, for lending help and cooperation to FWO and said the synergy among all the stakeholders proved to be catalyst in operationalizing the port.

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Executive member of the Sino Trans company in his remarks said the completion of the CPEC would have far reaching effects upon all the countries of the region.

Chinese ambassador Sun Weidong conveyed the warm felicitations on behalf of the Chinese government to the Pakistan nation and government on commencement of the first trade cargo.

He said it was a significant development as for the first time, a trade convoy had passed through the western route to the south and north of the country, showing the greater connectivity.

It proved the capacity of the port to handle the shipment of the trade cargo to international destinations, he added.

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Weidong said it was 'the win win opportunity' for both countries and commended the security and law enforcement agencies for providing security to the convoy.

He said about 60 different projects of CPEC were under construction, creating jobs for the tens of thousands local people.

A new beginning of journey had started, the giant ship of CPEC would break the wind and embark on the global destinations, he added.

Chief of Army Staff General Raheel Sharif presented a souvenir to the Prime Minister.

A duet was also presented by the Pakistani and Chinese singers to celebrate the occasion.