Donald Trump: The Career Profile

Donald Trump: The Career Profile

WASHINGTON: Donald Trump, the new US President life has been full of thriller and as well as controversies.

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Donald Trump was born on 14 June 1946 in New York and his father Fred Trump was of German ancestry whereas his mother Mary Trump, who was of Scottish ancestry, as all four grandparents of him were born in Europe.

He was born in a very rich family as they had family business and he was given a lot of money by his father to do the business. After graduating from college, he started the real estate business with his father.

Donald Trump had said he was worth 200,000 US Dollars in 1968 when he graduated from the college. In 1971 he started a company, which he named Trump Organisation. It was a huger success and then Trump empire got bigger and bigger.

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In 1981, he purchased a building, which he named Trump Tower . Tenants also lived in the building and partly owned it. But in 1983 he completed the construction of 58-story skyscraper which was expanded with time.

Trump did not only take interest in business but also in sports, education and beauty peagants as he owned sports team New Jersey Generals and New York Jets. He rendered his services in sports by paying huge amounts to players, to encourage them to do better.

Trump also worked in movies and he took interest in dramatical wrestling, as he often made appearances. He also had political affiliations with president Ronald Raegen in 1987 and actively played his part in politics.

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In 2012 he said that he might run for the presidency but then backed out. He said that if he had run for presidency, he might have had become president. So he finally decided to do that in 2016 and announced on 16 June 2015 but he was in the race.

Even though he faced many controversies, Donald Trump kept winning the Republican competitions and defeated Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, John Kasich, Jeb Bush to become the candidate against Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.