Yet another controversial statement from Saudi Crown Prince

Yet another controversial statement from Saudi Crown Prince

*WASHINGTON: Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has said that Saudi Arabia and**Israel have a common enemy, adding that the Kingdom cannot have relations with Israel before solving the issue with the Palestinians, because both of them have the right to live and coexist. His comments came during his talks to **TIME* <link>*.*

When he was asked that how much Saudi Arabia’s interests align with Israel’s, the Saudi Crown Prince said: "it seems that we have a common enemy, and it seems that we have a lot of potential areas to have economic cooperation. And we cannot have a relation with Israel before solving the peace issue, the Palestinians, because both of them they have the right to live and coexist."

He added; "And since that day happen, we will watch. We will try to support a peace solution. And when it happens, of course next day we’ll have good and normal relations with Israel and it will be the best for everyone."

Responding to another question he said that Iran is the cause of problems in the Middle East, but it is not a big threat to Saudi Arabia, adding "if you don’t watch it, it could turn into a threat."

The Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has been reported to have made this comments during his talks to TIME on Saudi Arabia's plans about the Middle East.