CJP Justice Saqib Nisar reveals his wish before retirement

CJP Justice Saqib Nisar reveals his wish before retirement

ISLAMABAD - My wish is to finish all cases I started before leaving office: CJP

Chief Justice of Pakistan Justice Saqib Nisar remarked on Friday that his wish is to finish the cases that I have started before leaving, adding that otherwise it will be said that 'he made tall claims but took no action'.

He made the comments while heading a two-member bench hearing a case related to the high prices of medicines.

The chief justice made the remarks after the counsel for Pharma Bureau — a representative body of multinational pharmaceuticals in Pakistan — asked for a date to be fixed for the next hearing. Chief Justice Nisar added that he is in more of a hurry to wrap up the case.

During the hearing, the chief justice also observed that it is the Parliament's prerogative to levy or end taxes.

He made the observation after one of the petitioners in the case, citizen Javed Okhai, asked that the court order an end to taxes imposed on pharmaceutical companies.

The court, during the hearing, summoned a detailed report from the federal health ministry, observing that it will hear the complete case on May 15 even if they have to sit all day and night. The chief justice clarified that no adjournment will be given in the case anymore.

During the hearing, the health secretary submitted an interim report in court, stating that different categories were made to cllasify medicines.