Policy to improve educational standard soon: NA told

Policy to improve educational standard soon: NA told

The National Assembly was informed on Wednesday that the government will soon announce a policy to improve the standard education in the country.

Minister for Education and Professional Training Shafqat Mahmood told the House during the question hour that the policy envisages curriculum development and training programs for the teachers.

He said the government is also considering introducing a uniform national curriculum in the country. He said our universities are lagging behind in meeting the international standards. He said efforts are afoot to upgrade the standards of the Higher Education institutions.

Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs Ali Muhammad Khan told the House that that a comprehensive strategic business plan 2018-22 is being framed to completely restructure Pakistan International Airline. He said the business plan is expected to be completed in six months.

Parliamentary Secretary for Overseas Pakistani Javeeria Zafar said both the Federal and provincial governments have been given representation in the newly formed content committee. She said the committee headed by Minister for Information and Broadcasting aims to scrutinize the TV commercials.

Minister for Railways Sheikh Rashid Ahmed told the House in a written reply that installation of tracking system in trains is in final stages which will ensure strict monitoring of trains’ movement.

He said that the number of freight and passengers trains will be increased as part of government’s one hundred day plan.

He said Pakistan Railways has entered into an agreement with Pakistan State Oil for transportation of petroleum products from Karachi to up-country destinations.

Taking the floor, Opposition Leader Shahbaz Sharif strongly denounced the recent wave of violence unleashed by Indian forces in Occupied Kashmir.

He said the Indian human rights violations in the held valley are a blot on the face of international community. He said that Pakistan should forcefully raise the Kashmir dispute at the forum of United Nations. He said that we should demand the UN to send its fact finding mission to the Occupied Kashmir and cases should be registered against those involved in repression there.

The Opposition Leader also asked the government to send official delegations comprising members both from the Opposition and the Treasury benches to important capitals to acquaint them with the prevailing situation in Occupied Kashmir. He said the Parliament should adopt a united stance on the Kashmir dispute. He especially appreciated the resolution passed by the House the other day to express solidarity with the Kashmiris.

About the Saudi Assistance Package, the Opposition Leader said that the entire nation and the Parliament should express their gratitude to the Kingdom for giving a sizable package to Pakistan. He said Saudi Arabia is our sincere and trust worthy friend which always stood by Pakistan in difficult times. He said this package is for the welfare and development of the whole country.