Pakistan's Lahore and Karachi among World 11 most worst air quality cities

Pakistan's Lahore and Karachi among World 11 most worst air quality cities

ISLAMABAD - Pakistan's Lahore and Karachi have been listed among top 11 cities with worst air quality by monitoring agency AirVisual.

Lahore and Karachi have been ranked number 5 and 11 respectively. India’s Mumbai, Kolkata, and New Delhi also feature in the list and occupy top three positions respectively. ------------------------------


Smog (mixture of smoke and fog) is a perpetual problem for Lahore. Data released by Pakistan Air Quality Initiative (PAQI) stated that provincial capital had recorded only two days of good air quality in 2017.

A US Air Quality Index has stated Pakistan’s AQI had been reached up to 332 followed by Delhi’s 208. These statistics show that the Lahore’s air quality is much unhealthy as compared to the World Health Organization’s guidelines.

An AQI between O and 50 is said to be good, 51 and 100 satisfactory, 101 and 200 moderate, 201 and 300 poor, 301 and 400 very poor and 401 and 500 severe.