Pakistan hits out against India at top UN body over occupied Kashmir

Pakistan hits out against India at top UN body over occupied Kashmir

NEW YORK – Pakistan has once again hit out at India at the top UN body over occupied Kashmir atrocities and Kashmiris right to self determination.

Pakistan has renewed its call for the United Nations to set up a inquiry commission the world body’s highest-level probe to investigate the grave human rights violations in Indian-held Jammu Kashmir (IHK).

The call was renewed by Pakistan’s ambassador to UN Maleeha Lodhi while speaking in a debate on Self Determination in the Third Committee of the UN’s 193-member General Assembly. The report issued on Kashmir by the UN High Commissioner of Human Rights in June 2018 had made a recommendation for such an inquiry.

“We endorse the report’s recommendation that a UN Inquiry Commission be constituted to investigate and redress the violations of human rights of the Kashmiri people”, the Pakistani envoy said.

Speaking in the Third Committee of the General Assembly on Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, the Pakistani ambassador to UN Maleeha Lodhi said that India’s consistent denial of the Kashmiri right to self-determination is a telling example of Indian impunity.