India using brutal tactics to suppress Kashmiris’ struggle: APHC

India using brutal tactics to suppress Kashmiris’ struggle: APHC

ISLAMABAD: The All Parties Hurriyat Conference has said that India is using its military might to crush Kashmiris’ genuine struggle for right to self-determination by resorting to killings, vandalizing of properties, arrests and other repressive measures in the territory.

According to Kashmir media service, the APHC said this during its executive council meeting, which was presided over by its Secretary General, Ghulam Nabi Sumjhi, in Srinagar.
The meeting was attended by the heads and representatives of the constituent parties. The participants discussed at length various issues including the prevailing most critical situation in the territory.

The meeting expressed its grave concern over the arrogant attitude of Indian occupational forces against the Kashmiri people.
In his speech, Ghulam Nabi Sumjhi said that such intriguing and vile acts of repression had failed in the past to make the people surrender, and in future any such pressure tactics shall meet the same fate.

He said the present armed struggle against the Indian subjugation is a sheer reaction of “our educated youth against the India’s brutal and inhuman attitude and its deceit, arrogance and persistent denial of realities.”
“It is not a hobby of our youth engaged in an armed struggle but a reaction of Indian military occupation on Jammu and Kashmir,” Sumjhi added.

The APHC leader highlighted the need for a peaceful settlement of the Kashmir dispute, and said that the coercive measures, killings, detentions and suppression would yield nothing, instead would lead to devastation. Indian leaders should accept the ground realities and should be realistic in their approach for the peaceful settlement of this long-standing dispute.

Ghulam Nabi Sumjhi urged the freedom-loving people to stay away from the upcoming so-called Panchayat polls as they did during Municipal elections saying the elections are used by Indian rulers as a tool to hoodwink the international community. He appealed to the UN and civilized countries of the world to take cognizance of the prevailing gruesome situation in Jammu and Kashmir as a result of India’s illegal occupation.