Patwaris stage Dharna against PTI government in Peshawar

Patwaris stage Dharna against PTI government in Peshawar

PESHAWAR: (APP) The Patwaris of Irrigation Department Khyber Pakthunkhwa here Tuesday staged a sit-in (Dharna) in front of the provincial assembly against the PTI government for overlooking their genuine demands like up-gradation and vowed to continue protest for an indefinite period till fulfillment of the same.

The Patwaris who came from all 25 districts of the province staged a sit-in for an indefinite period in front of KP Assembly and warned to continue their protest till issuance of formal notification in this regard.

They were holding banners with slogans like 'Kia Insaf Kia Tabdeli' (What is Justice What is Change), 'Insaf k Parokaro Insaf Do' (Followers of Justice Give us Justice) and several others and chanted full throated slogans.

Mehboob Shah Marwat, Provincial President Patwaris Union of Irrigation Department in his address said Patwaris of irrigation department were deprived of promotion and up gradation since long, which was a creating sense of deprivation among them.

He warned that their peacefull sit ins would continue till issuance of official notification by the provincial government. He said if their problems were not addresed they would march to CM KP House besides staging a sit-in in front of Bani Gala, Islamabad.

Mehboob Marwat said scale of Patwaris of Revenue Department was up-gradated to BPS 9 while they were deprived of the promotion since long.

In addition to their own basic duty in irrigation department, he said, we had been assigned an additional duty of recovery of Abyana and still the Patwaris were deprived of basic right like up gradation which was a great injustice to them.

He said they had held several meetings with Provincial Assembly Speaker Asad Qasir, Senior Minister for Irrigation, Sikandar Khan Sherpao, Finance Minister Muzaffar Said and other senior officials of PTI Government but their problems were yet to be addressed despite repeated assurances.

He said the Patwaris were left with no option but to stage a sit in front of KP assembly for fulfillment of their demands.

Marwat demanded up-gradation of Irrigation Department Patwaris to BPS 9, 20% recovery fee, incentives at par with Patwaris of Revenue Department, implementation on procedure, participation of representative in every meeting regarding recovery of Abyana, making son quota of Patwaris in Irrigation Department compulsory, motorcycle for every Patwari along with motorcycle with fuel, power for recovery of Abyana, Patwar Khana and agency allowances.