Islamabad club management committee member sexually assault a female manager

Islamabad club management committee member sexually assault a female manager

ISLAMABAD - Islamabad Club’s management committee member Sikandar Ismail has allegedly sexually harassed a female manager of the Islamabad club.

He was found guilty of harassing a female club employee by Federal Ombudsman Kashmala Tariq, media has reported.

He was sentenced to a fine of Rs1 million along with permanent disbarment from holding any position within the club.

Ismail’s club membership has also been suspended for six months and he was ordered to pay half of the fine (Rs0.5 million) to the victim, Seemi Abbas, who had accused the “powerful member” of the club’s management committee of sexually harassing her.

Abbas, who had joined as an assistant manager at a servicing section of the members only club in 2015 had claimed that she had been immediately fired after she refused to obey the “immoral” orders of the club’s committee member.