Eight NATO troops hit in a suicide attack in Afghanistan

Eight NATO troops hit in a suicide attack in Afghanistan

KABUL - Eight NATO troops wounded in a suicide attack on foreign forces’ convoy in southern Kandahar province on Monday.

A security official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Pajhwok Afghan News the explosion took place in the Abdullah Karez <link> area of Daman district at 12:30pm.

He said six Romanian troops were wounded in the bombing, which left11 civilians dead. Nine others including two policemen were injured in the bombing.

The NATO <link>’s Resolute Support (RS) said its eight service members were wounded in the vehicle-borne improvised explosion in a populated area in Daman district.

Several Afghan uniform police and Afghan civilians, including an apparent group of children, were either killed or wounded in the blast, the RS mission said in a statement.

"Our thoughts and prayers are with those wounded, and with the innocent Afghans whose lives were needlessly taken from them by the enemies of Afghanistan <link>," said Gen. John Nicholson, Resolute Support commander.

"In their spring offensive announcement, the Taliban <link> claimed they would pay special attention to protecting the lives and properties of the Afghan people; however, their hypocrisy was on full display today as they viciously killed Afghan citizens, including children who were Madrassa <link> students.”

The wounded service members, who are all in stable condition, were taken to Kandahar Airfield's hospital for treatment.

“If the enemies of Afghanistan think their cowardly actions will deter the commitment of the brave Afghan forces and our Resolute Support advisors, or the call by the Afghan people for peace, they are sorely mistaken," said Nicholson.

The Romanian Defense Ministry confirmed its eight soldiers were injured during a mission in Afghanistan The soldiers were transported to a hospital in Kandahar and they are out of danger, said the source.