Huge diplomatic success for Pakistan at international front

Huge diplomatic success for Pakistan at international front

Washington: The attempt to impose restrictions on aid to Pakistan in the American Congress has failed. The bill presented by Republican member Andy Biggs was rejected with a significant majority in the lower house.

In Congress, 298 members from the Democratic and Republican parties voted against this move, while 132 supported it.

Congress members Sheila Jackson and Barbara Lee provided arguments in favor of continuing aid. Sheila Jackson stated that cooperation between the United States and Pakistan is ongoing in defense, counterterrorism, and trade to promote prosperity.

They mentioned that cooperation is flourishing in various fields, including energy, environment, health, and education, and that many Pakistani soldiers have sacrificed their lives in the Afghan war. Their cooperation is rooted in common democratic destinies, and bilateral relations are moving in the right direction.

Barbara Lee emphasized the importance of aid to Pakistan for stability, countering extremism, and promoting peace and security in the region.

They also mentioned that $135 million was allocated for Pakistan in the fiscal year 2024, which will be spent on economic assistance, counter-narcotics efforts, military education and training, counterterrorism, and health programs.