How Rising tensions in Middle East favours America?

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2019-05-29T23:59:26+05:00 News Desk

Tehran, May 29, IRNA - The rising tensions in the Middle East have increased worries and efforts of the players in the region on further weaponizing, and Donald Trump as a dealer and merchant, using this trick, sends a flood of American weapons to this geographic area.

About three years ago, when Trump moved to the White House, tensions and disputes in the international arena, especially in the Middle East, have increased dramatically. The transfer of the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Beit-ul-Moqaddas, disregard of important agreements such as JCPOA and the resumption of anti-Iran sanctions, simmering tension between Tehran and the Arab states, the unlimited support of the Zionist regime, the inclusion of the name of the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps in the list of terrorist groups and deployment in the Persian Gulf are just a few of the tensions by the United States in the region.

Increasing disagreements and fears of a military confrontation in such a space has opened the Arab embrace of the region to American weapons. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced on Friday (May 24) a new agreement between the United States, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Jordan; an agreement worth $8.1 billion.

This is not the first time that Trump, during his presidency, has pushed the countries of the region to sign a billion-dollar deal on arms sales. During his first trip to Saudi Arabia, the President of the United States also signed an arms deal worth $110 billion.

The important thing was that during the trip and signing an agreement, the Islamic Republic of Iran was the target. They concluded this huge deal "to confront Iran's influence," and the former US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said in connection with the deal, "This arms deal is clearly against the ill-wisher influence of Iran and the threats associated with Iran across the borders of Saudi Arabia.

Many experts and even US officials believe that the United States will only sell its weapons to the Middle East if there is a growing dispute in the Middle East. For example, Democrat Chris Murphy recently stated that "Trump can use the growing tension with Iran to sell weapons to Saudi Arabia. "

“Confronting Iran's worrying behaviors" is a term recently used by the US officials to fuel tension and justify their military presence in the region. Under the same worrying and false sense, in recent weeks, we witness a significant increase in American troops in the Persian Gulf.

Also, Trump provided the ground for deployment of the forces of the Persian Gulf with placing the name of the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps in the list of the US terrorist organizations. Now Trump raises the "global terrorism" and claims the support by Iranian authorities for global terrorism. With the claim, the president of the United States announced the deployment of 1,500 new troops to the Middle East, but the Pentagon had previously unveiled a plan to deploy 5,000-10,000 new troops to the Middle East.

Interestingly, a few days ago, Trump had doubted the news, and on May 23, he said that in the current situation, he did not see the need to send more troops to the Middle East with the goal of confronting Iranian military threats.

The president of the United States, however, has now agreed to the plan (deploying 1,500 troops); a change in approach that is not unrelated to the pressure of Trump's close associates; those who referred to by Iranian foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, as “Team B".

Despite the increasing tensions between Iran and the United States, many of US officials, especially Democrats and former commanders of the Army, are worried about the presence of more troops in the Persian Gulf, and they have opposed this move.

While White House officials from Trump to Pompeo and Interim Secretary of Defense say there will not be a war with Iran, former Democrats and former military commanders warn against the consequences of the move. They believe that the continuation and intensification of tensions may unintentionally lead to war and military confrontation.

Experts say the turmoil in the Persian Gulf with the objective of selling different weapons and ammunition to the Arab states of the region could have unpleasant consequences for the players in this geographical area.

Although the White House, under the deceptive slogan "increased MIDDLE EAST defense capabilities and opportunities to counter Iran's threats", concludes tremendous agreements with the Arab states of the region, but with the continuation and intensification of the crisis, conditions may come out of control.

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