Trumps: Hunting down ISIS

Trumps: Hunting down ISIS

With the end of Long and ugly presidential campaign , Trumph now fill the presidential office. With Trumph’s victory foreign capitals are expecting major shift in US foreign policy and speculations about Trumph is based on his speeches delivered during his campaign and secondly his inexperience in this new field have put us foreign policy under question. Trumps Policy reflects isolationist theme. Foreign capitals feared that major shift is expected he might dismantle traditional US commitments and alliances, which is indeed an alarming situation for third world countries.

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Middle East has always been a center of importance for US as history reveals the US intervention of Iraq in 2003 depicts American interest in the Middle East. Iraq intervention in search of so called weapons of mass destruction led to the creation of Monstrous ISIS. Marginalized Sunnis dwellings in Iraq start pouring in to ISIS after Saddam execution likewise suppressed Sunnis under Assad regime came under ISIS umbrella. So, ISIS with patronage of regional allies like Saudi Arabia became a Hercules for marginalized Sunni masses.

Arab spring which dragged Middle East into sectarian as well as civil war with the attachment of great powers and regional powers, Middle East crises looks to be Penelope’s web. US foreign policy shift towards Syria took place under the pretext of chemical weapons against FSA and Assad regime sponsoring Hezbollah which is a direct threat to the security of Israel, major ally of US.

American policy under Obama administration has been directed to topple Assad regime by sponsoring rebels group, where as Russia on the other hand is backing socialist Assad regime. Putin is fierce fully combating ISIS in Syria as compared to Obama. However, ISIS recent terrorist acts in Europe have produced alarming circumstances for US. Both, US and Russia contemporarily are once again at loggerheads over Syrian crises. Furthermore, ISIS is now an albatross around Obama’s neck. Observers are concerned what tools newly elected president Donald J Trump brings into presidential office to deal with bloodcurdling ISIS.

As Trump says: “America first policy will be overriding theme of my administration”

Donald trump is pursuing America first policy more vigorously in Syria. He’s determent to hit ISIS forcefully by entering in to an alliance with Validmir Putin, Secondly his disdain for regime change shows commitment with Putin for the oust of ISIS.

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Trump's statement from last summer: "Wouldn't it be nice if we got together with Russia and knocked the hell out of ISIL?" He desires to hit ISIS hardly Irrespective of bringing stability in Iraq and Syria ,on the other hand, ISIS is in support of Trump and as one of ISIS spokesman say’s ‘I ask Allah to deliver America to Trump.’

Now why on earth would ISIS Favor Trump?

The former head of the National Counterterrorism Center Matt Olsen laid out three reasons why ISIS is supporting Trump Firstly he states: “Trump’s anti-Muslim proposals are likely to inspire and radicalize more violent jihadists in the U.S. and Europe.” Secondly:“Trump’s statements also serve to isolate and alienate the same Muslim Americans who must be our partners in this fight.”Thirdly: “Further, Trump’s comments undermine our counterterrorism efforts around the world. By demonizing Muslims, he feeds ISIS’s narrative that the U.S. is at war with Islam.”

Trumps hard immigration policy will go in ISIS favor. Labeling trump as perfect enemy of Muslims and Islam. The republican congressman Peter King proposal to launch a federal Muslim surveillance program aim to crack down civil liberties of law abiding American Muslims is indeed dangerous step. Unfortunately, such policies towards Muslims may further fan the flames of marginalized Muslims residing in US and Europe.

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Apart from election rhetoric’s he is going to act more pragmatically and rationally. Trumps non lucid behavior is not going to last, presidential seat will brought myriad changes in his words and actions. His strategy depends upon formation of his team. He’s bound to communicate with other departments and advisers to have their say about ISIS. During his Interim time he must update his information about Middle East Muddle and specifically ISIS from agencies. He’s bound to work with all the components of politics and will not be able to go all by himself. The pledges he made during his speeches will be seen in a new light’ u- turns are expected. Once he sits in office formally.