Abdul Basit's letter exposes Pak Ambassador in US Aizaz Chaudhry

Abdul Basit's letter exposes Pak Ambassador in US Aizaz Chaudhry

ISLAMABAD: Abdul Basit the former Ambassador to India has written a letter dated July 5, 2017 to Pakistan Ambassador to US Aizaz Ahmed Ch which has surfaced online, in which the former lambasted the latter's tenure as foreign secretary apparently over a number of foreign policy gaffes made during Chaudhry's time in the office.

A copy of the letter circulating on social media.— Twitter
A copy of the letter circulating on social media.— Twitter

"The more I think the more I am convinced that you have been the worst Foreign Secretary ever," Basit wrote in the letter, a copy of which has been circulating on social media. Sources in the Foreign Office confirmed to DawnNews that the letter is authentic.

The former envoy to India, who was replaced after opting for an early retirement earlier this month by Sohail Mahmood, had written the acerbic letter in response to Chaudhry's farewell letter which he wrote after being appointed the ambassador to United States.

Basit also expressed concern in his letter that Chaudhry would end up being "the worst Pakistan Ambassador in Washington D.C".