Pashtun Tahafuz Movement true face exposed yet again

Pashtun Tahafuz Movement true face exposed yet again

SWAT – The controversial Pashtun Tahafuz Movement true faced has been exposed yet again today with a disgraceful event at the rally of PTM.

PtM on Sunday barred a patriotic youth from hoisting Pakistani flag while forcing him to leave the public-gathering.

Speaking to the media, the man stated that administration of PTM asked him to leave the conclave over hoisting Pakistani flag. “Don’t create scene here by hoisting Pakistani flag. Keep [Pakistani flag] out of ceremony”, the members of PTM asked the young man. ------------------------------


Responding to this, the young man asserted that he being citizen of Pakistan, every complain should be lodged under the country’s flag and law. ------------------------------


It is worth here to mention that similar incident was reported during PTM’s Lahore rally. What adds to suspicions is the fact that Twitter account of movement chanting anti-Pakistan slogans is reportedly being operated from US. Analysts and masses have lambasted PTM for its unconstitutional demands.