COAS Asim Munir orders another crackdown on illegal activities

COAS Asim Munir orders another crackdown on illegal activities

In a firm dedication to safeguard Pakistan's economic interests and enhance security, Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Syed Asim Munir has announced the intensification of law enforcement efforts against a broad range of illegal activities.

These actions will be conducted in close coordination with law enforcement agencies (LEAs) and government departments. General Munir made this declaration during his visit to Lahore, where he participated in a crucial meeting of the Provincial Apex Committee alongside Caretaker Punjab Chief Minister Mohsin Raza Naqvi.

During the Apex Committee meeting, General Munir received a detailed briefing on the current security situation, with a particular focus on law enforcement operations targeting electricity and gas theft, hoarding, and foreign currency smuggling.

The committee also discussed measures to protect minority communities and reviewed ongoing operations in the Kacha area, as well as the repatriation of illegal foreign nationals.

Emphasizing the unwavering commitment to combat illicit activities, General Munir stated, "Enforcement actions against a range of illegal activities will continue vigorously in collaboration with LEAs and relevant government departments to eliminate significant economic losses caused by various forms of theft in Pakistan."

The committee was also briefed on the progress of two critical initiatives: the Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC) and the Green Punjab program.

General Munir highlighted the importance of synergy among all relevant departments to ensure the successful implementation of these landmark initiatives, emphasizing their potential to significantly contribute to Pakistan's economic growth.

Participants in the meeting reaffirmed the unity of state institutions, government departments, and the people in their commitment to the progress and prosperity of the province.

General Munir's declaration signifies a renewed and unwavering determination by Pakistan's security forces to combat illegal activities and secure the nation's economic interests, ultimately working towards a more prosperous and stable Pakistan.