Top Pakistani bureaucrat reportedly caught stealing bag full of Dinars of Kuwaiti dignitary

Top Pakistani bureaucrat reportedly caught stealing bag full of Dinars of Kuwaiti dignitary

ISLAMABAD – A top Pakistani bureaucrat has been caught stealing the bag full of Dinars belonging to the visiting Kuwaiti dignitary.

As per the media report, Authorities on Friday recovered a bag full of Kuwaiti dinar from a Pakistani bureaucrat after a CCTV footage showed he stole the moneybag.

Zarar Haider Baig, a grade-20 officer, apparently whisked away the bag stashed with Kuwaiti dinar during a session of the Economic Affairs Division.

He might have gotten away with his bizzarre larceny had it not been for the CCTV cameras in the conference room. Pakistani officials later returned the bag to its owner, who was part of the Kuwaiti delegation, with apology.