Pak Navy lauded for its role in regional peace  

Pak Navy lauded for its role in regional peace  

ISLAMABAD: (APP) Chief of the Naval Staff Admiral Muhammad Zakaullah, who is currently on an official visit to US, interacted with US authorities and underlined the need for enhancing global efforts to effectively confront the common challenges and threats within the maritime domain.

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The Naval Chief interacted with US Secretary of Navy Ray Maybus, US CNO and other naval officials, Special Envoy/Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan Ambassador Richard G Olsen and few important Senators,  said a press release issued here Wednesday.

During his course of interaction, the Naval Chief discussed professional matters of mutual interest.

Admiral Zakaullah reiterated the need for enhancing global efforts to effectively and efficiently confront the common challenges and threats within the maritime domain.

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The Naval Chief also highlighted Pakistan's commitment and performance in fight against terrorism, including participation in Coalition Maritime Campaign Plan (CMCP) and Counter Piracy Operations.

The dignitaries highly appreciated Pakistan Navy's role in maintaining peace and order in the region as well as professional competence displayed by the Pakistan Navy during Commands of Combined Task Forces 150 & 151.

During the visit, the Naval Chief attended International Sea power Symposium 2016 where he addressed the participants on the topic of collaborative maritime security with focus on anti piracy.

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He also met with US Defence dignitaries besides calling on various Naval Chiefs who participated in the Symposium.

Chiefs of the world's maritime forces attended the Sea Power Symposium with a view to find solutions to areas of common interest including increasing capacity to ensure maritime security, improving the ability to survey Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ), and participating in regional security initiatives.

It is expected that the recent visit of the Naval Chief will enhance and expand collaboration between the international navies in general and regional navies in particular.