China rejects India-US cross border terrorism allegations against Pakistan

China rejects India-US cross border terrorism allegations against Pakistan
BEIJING: A day after India and the US asked Pakistan to stop cross-border terror, China on Wednesday put up a strong defence of its 'all-weather' ally, saying Islamabad was at the frontlines of the fight against terrorism.

"China thinks that the international cooperation against terrorism should be enhanced and stepped up. 

The international community should give full recognition and affirmation to Pakistan's efforts in this regard," Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Lu Kang told reporters here.

His remarks came in response to the India-US joint statement issued after the talks between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and US President Donald Trump.

"We have to say Pakistan stands at the frontlines of the international counter-terrorism fight and has been making efforts in this regard," Lu said in response to the statement of Indian PM Modi and US President Donald Trump.