PM Imran Khan interview to the US media outlet

PM Imran Khan interview to the US media outlet

ISLAMABAD – Prime Minister Imran Khan said that political reconciliation is the only solution to the Afghan issue.

In an interview with a US media outlet, he said Pakistan is partner in peace and cannot become a part of the dispute. He categorically said that there is no military solution to the Afghan issue.

The Prime Minister said Pakistan played a key role as facilitator to bring Taliban and the United States on negotiating table. He said any kind of unrest in Afghanistan will directly affect Pakistan and it will have to face multiple problems.

Imran Khan said the incumbent government revived the national economy after hectic efforts and now it cannot bear burden of more Afghan refugees. He said there is 1500 kilometres long border between Pakistan and Afghanistan and for the first time, Pakistan constructed fencing along the Pak-Afghan border by spending a huge amount.

The Prime Minister said Pakistan had nothing to do with 9/11 and New York incidents as no Pakistani national was involved in 9/11 incident.

Replying to a question about elections in Afghanistan, Imran Khan said the Afghan President Ashraf Ghani should have delayed the elections, as it would have provided an opportunity to Taliban to participate in the political process.