Nawaz Sharif tried to put me behind bars when I was pregnant : Jemima Goldsmith

Nawaz Sharif tried to put me behind bars when I was pregnant : Jemima Goldsmith

The former wife of cricketer-turned politician Jemima Goldsmith termed the ouster of Nawaz Sharif ‘good riddance’ and claimed that the man (Nawaz Sharif) tried to get her behind bars when she was pregnant with her second child.

The 43-year-old further tweeted that no prime minister of Pakistan has been able to complete their 5-year term to date, Goldsmith expressed hope that the next one [Imran Khan] will be able to do so.

She went on to allege that Zionist conspiracy theories that blighted her life in Pakistan 20 years ago are being narrated by the ruling party to the nation one more time.