Horrible details of torture to Imran Riaz Khan during custody

Horrible details of torture to Imran Riaz Khan during custody

News anchor Mansoor Ali Khan met journalist Imran Riaz Khan and shared details of their meeting on his YouTube channel. He mentioned that when he went to Imran's house for the meeting, the society gate was closed. Upon introducing himself, he reached Imran Riaz's house where several other journalists were already present.

Mansoor Ali Khan recalled that when he arrived at Imran's house, Imran hugged him, and upon seeing Imran Riaz's condition, he became nervous and shivered. He felt that Imran had lost a lot of weight, and he could feel his bones; they seemed frail.

Furthermore, he described that Imran's hair and beard had turned white. During their meeting, Imran was sharing his current situation with other friends, which gave Mansoor Ali Khan the impression that Imran had no sense of time where he was kept. He sensed that Imran had undergone significant mental torture, and his articulation was not clear; it took him time to complete a sentence.

Mansoor Ali Khan mentioned that he saw a lot of determination in Imran Riaz, and there was a continuous smile on his face. He and others present there decided not to share anything that could cause him any trouble.

Mansoor Ali Khan also revealed that Imran had mentioned that he was facing issues with regard to memories, and his family and friends had decided to conduct a detailed check-up.

He stated that at that time, Imran Riaz had no knowledge of the national situation, and when asked, he was not given any information.