Pakistan Hindu Council urge UN for Kashmir conflict solution

Pakistan Hindu Council urge UN for Kashmir conflict solution

ISLAMABAD: (APP) Pakistan Hindu Council has urged the United Nations to play its due role for the peaceful solution of the Kashmir conflict between India and Pakistan.

Member National Assembly Dr. Ramesh Kumar Vankwani said in a statement that the speech delivered by the Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif at the UN General Assembly is the true voice of every Pakistani citizen.

"India should avoid to play with the sentiments of innocent people, and the ongoing practice of unnecessary aggressive statements must be halted," he said, adding that Pakistani Hindu community wants peace in the region.

Dr Ramesh Kumar said that India and Pakistan both are nuclear powers, and the leadership of both countries should wisely handle the unwanted situation.

"The politics of confrontation must be discouraged," he said. In addition, he was of the view that the recent aggressive attitude shown by India is clearly indicating that India is trying to impose war in the sub-continent by creating excuses either for Urri Attack or Indus River Treaty which is a non-issue in this regard.

Dr Ramesh Kumar said that India is so much lost in the craze for war that it is openly criticizing China-Pakistan Economic Corridor "CPEC" which is equally beneficial for the Indian people as it is for the people of China and Pakistan.

He regretted that Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi while declaring Pakistan a terrorist state forgets that International community is appreciating Pakistani Government due to its successful policies, specially the on-going military operation against terrorism "Zarb-e-Azab".

Dr Ramesh Kumar Vankwani strongly rejected the Indian claims of Human Right violation in Balochistan and said that Pakistan is an independent state and interference in its internal matters would not be tolerated.

Dr Ramesh Kumar said that Pakistani Hindu community is patriotic.

"To ensure peace and prosperity in the sub-continent, Pakistani Hindu community, under the dynamic leadership of PM Nawaz Sharif, stands behind Pakistan Armed Forces for the defence of beloved motherland," he concluded.