Pakistan's successful diplomacy at United Nations over Occupied Kashmir

Pakistan's successful diplomacy at United Nations over Occupied Kashmir

NEW YORK – “Black Day” observed in New York by the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) officials for Kashmiri people of Indian Occupied Kashmir.

The event was organized by outgoing Pakistan’s Ambassador to UN Ambassador Maleeha Lodhi, where, the guest speakers praised her dedication to the Kashmir cause. Washington-based World Kashmir Awareness Secretary-General Ghulam Nabi Fai termed Maleeha as voice of Kashmiri people.

An impressive photo exhibition was also organized depicting the barbarity of human rights violations in IoK and highlighting the Kashmiri people’s struggle for their inalienable rights. Maleeha Lodhi conducted the guests around who evinced keen interest in the exhibits.

Also on the display were several historic photographs, which included the first meeting of UN Security Council (UNSC) on Kashmir in1948 and of UN Observers’ deployment in 1949 as well as the recent consultations in UNSC on 16 August after a gap of 53 years.

Ambassador Lodhi has the distinction of lobbying to ensure that the meeting was held in the wake of India’s illegal annexation of the disputed state on 5 August.

Rejecting the cynicism and false impression created by some elements that Kashmir was not a priority issue for the Ummah, the Pakistani envoy welcomed the strong statements made by the Saudi Arabian ambassador as well as by OIC’s permanent representative and the chairman of the OIC’s IPHRC which helped in exploding that myth.

She underscored that her Permanent Mission in New York was not just the voice of Pakistan but was also the voice of the oppressed people of Jammu and Kashmir. link

Ambassador Lodhi said India could not continue its draconian tactics in Kashmir indefinitely, as harsher restrictions would be met with equally strong resistance by the people.