Ahsan Iqbal and CM Sanaullah Zehri exchange harsh words in meeting

Ahsan Iqbal and CM Sanaullah Zehri exchange harsh words in meeting

ISLAMABAD: Federal Minister for Planning and Development Ahsan Iqbal and Baluchistan Chief Minister Nawab Sanaullah Zahri exchanged harsh words with each other in an annual meeting of planning after that CM Baluchistan walked out from meeting.

As per details, Planning Coordination meeting was held here at today under the chairmanship of Ahsan Iqbal. During the meeting, CM Baluchistan expressed his concerns over the late issuance of developmental funds saying that Baluchistan Province is being treated indiscriminately by federal government in this issuance of developmental funds.

Commenting over the concerns of Nawab Sanaullah Zahri, Ahsan Iqbal stated that separate talk can be held over the project that has been identified by CM while Baluchistan government could not make PC-1 yet.

After exchange of harsh words between both, CM Baluchistan walked out protesting from the meeting but later he again became the part of meeting after the assurance of Ahsan Iqbal to address his concerns.