Pakistani University banned wearing Lipsticks for female students in campus

Pakistani University banned wearing Lipsticks for female students in campus

*ISLAMABAD - A **Pakistani University has banned wearing Lipsticks for female students in campus.*

*Students at the University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir were banned from wearing lipstick at the varsity for a few days.*

“Female students are not allowed to put on lipstick,” stated a notification issued on January 21. “If seen, they will be fined Rs100 on the spot.”

Following the notice, students took to social media to protest against it, calling it a “violation of fundamental rights”.

“The notification was restricted to the Institute of Education Department and was issued as a part of the department’s dress code policy,” Saad, an HR official of the varsity said.

The decision was, however, taken back on Monday (today). “Copies have been distributed on campus that state that the notification has been revoked,” he added.

A picture of the previous notice that was put up on the varsity’s Facebook account on Sunday hadn’t been removed as of Monday afternoon.