PITB plans to replicate PMIS in 20 jails of province: Dr Saif

PITB plans to replicate PMIS in 20 jails of province: Dr Saif

ISLAMABAD:The Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB) plans to replicate Prison Management Information System (PMIS) in 20 jails of the province and Command and Control at Inspectorate of Prisons Punjab.

Presiding a progress review meeting in Lahore on Monday Chairman PITB Dr. Umar Saif said that the system will have customized features and some new modules after successful launch of Pilot Project for the District Jail in Lahore.

He said the project would help to make quick and critical administrative and financial decisions for a security-oriented society.

Through the PMIS, information of 49,776 prisoners, 8,503 visitors and 136 patients hospitalized in the jail has been gathered.APP