Trump Vs. Clinton first presidential debate: New polls show dead heat

Trump Vs. Clinton first presidential debate: New polls show dead heat

WASHINGTON: (APP) Pressure mounted on Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump Sunday as they head into their first presidential debate with a new poll showing them in a dead heat.

Mind games were on display as Trump threatened to invite Gennifer Flowers, a former lover of Bill Clinton, to watch Monday's high-stakes battle of wits from a front-row seat.

READ MORE:  Trump Vs. Clinton first presidential debate: Hotly anticipated match

Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway said it was meant to show the New York billionaire had ways "to get inside the head of Hillary Clinton" but she told CNN there were no plans to invite Flowers.

"It's a warning sign before the debate has even started about Donald Trump's lack of fitness, his bullying tactics that make him unfit to be president," said Clinton's campaign manager, Robbie Mook, on CNN.

As many as 90 million people are expected to tune in when Trump and Clinton face off at Hofstra University in New York just six weeks before the November 8 election.

READ MORE:  Trump Vs. Hillary: Latest Polls depict Hillary Clinton’ lead evaporating      

Many analysts say debates usually don't win a candidate the election but can well lose it for them. A single sentence, or the slightest slip, can do serious damage.

Clinton, 68, enters the fray with no cushion. A Washington Post-ABC News poll published Sunday found that her slim advantage from last month has now evaporated.