In Syria, rebel groups pull out of more towns in Eastern Ghouta

In Syria, rebel groups pull out of more towns in Eastern Ghouta

Syrian rebel groups have pulled out of more towns in the Eastern Ghouta, as the government tightens its grip on the enclave outside Damascus.

Buses carrying rebels and their families , bound for the rebel-held Idlib province left towns of Jobar, Ein Terma, Zamalka and Arbin on Sunday.

Meanwhile,talks are underway for a deal over the evacuation of third and final rebel-held pocket in Ghouta,held by Jaish al-Islam and includes the largest town of Douma.

The evacuations followed a deal between government forces and a local rebel group, Faylaq al-Rahman.

About seventy pe rcent of the Eastern Ghouta is now under government control.

Hundreds of people have been killed since Syrian government forces, supported by the Russian military, launched an offensive on the rebel-held territory last month. (ap/reuters/bbc/afp)