Pakistan responds over UAE awarding top civilian award to Indian PM Narendra Modi

Pakistan responds over UAE awarding top civilian award to Indian PM Narendra Modi

*ISLAMABAD - Pakistan responds over UAE awarding top civilian award to Indian PM Narendra Modi *

Pakistan has quietly lodged a protest with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) over the Gulf state bestowing its highest civilian award on Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi at a time when his government was involved in grave human rights violations in the occupied Kashmir.

Although, no official statement was issued by the Foreign Office over the unprecedented move by Pakistan, diplomatic sources confirmed to *The Express Tribune* that the UAE ambassador was called to the Foreign Office just days before Modi’s visit to the Gulf state.

The sources said the UAE envoy was conveyed Islamabad’s ‘serious concerns’ over the Gulf state’s decision to honour Modi with the Order of Zayed medal.

Pakistan had asked the UAE to review its decision in view of the Modi government revoking the semi-autonomous status of the disputed territory and imposing heavy restrictions on movement and a communication blockade there.

However, the UAE went ahead with its decision to bestow the award on Modi.

Nevertheless, Pakistan summoning the UAE envoy was a rare incident given the fact that the two countries have long enjoyed close ties.