Chinese Foreign Minister to arrive in Pakistan for important visit

Chinese Foreign Minister to arrive in Pakistan for important visit

ISLAMABAD: China’s Consular and Foreign Minister Wang Yi is likely to visit Pakistan to attend trilateral dialogue between China, Pakistan and Afghanistan next month.

According to sources, Consular Wang Yi is likely to arrive in Pakistan on September 6 and it is also likely that the Chinese dignitary would attend Pakistan’s defence day celebrations.

It merits a mention that Chinese President Xi Jinping is scheduled to visit New Delhi in October which adds further impetus to the Chinese Foreign Minister’s visit prior to Xi’s visit to India.

Sources revealed that Consular Wang is likely to have meetings with Prime Minister (PM) Imran Khan, Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi and other high ranking officials whereas the two countries would discuss expansion of the scope of China, Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) in addition to the Afghanistan endgame and regional security situation with a specific reference to situation in Indian occupied Kashmir (IoK).

China played a key role in tabling a resolution on India’s annexation of Kashmir at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) which is being dubbed as diplomatic humiliation for India. Although Russia, US and UK also supported the Kashmir issue, China played a key role in tabling the resolution.

Sources further added that a high-level military delegation from China is also arriving Pakistan on August 26 as the two strategic partners would evaluate the security situation in detail.

An official, however, told *Pakistan Today*that the Chinese consular’s is yet to be confirmed as the confirmation of Afghan delegation is yet to be received.

“Due to Afghan election, uncertainty persists about the trilateral dialogue due to Presidential election in Afghan. However, things would be clear in the next few days,” the diplomatic official said.