India providing secret assistance to North Korea over Nukes: Al-Jazeera

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2016-09-24T17:10:06+05:00 News Desk

ISLAMABAD: Al Jazeera TV has exposed the secret Indian and North Korean cooperation over the issue of nuclear collaboration.


India and North Korea secret nuclear cooperation has been revealed by Al Jazeera TV.

Al-Jazeera has claimed that India is providing technical training to North Korean nuclear scientists on its soil despite UN sanctions over Pyongyang.

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According to Al-Jazeera TV report, at least thirty students of North Korea have been received training from Indian Research Centre.

The report also said India did not oppose nuclear test of North Korea in NAM summit. However, all other participating countries of summit have approved the inclusion of condemnation para in final draft except India.

The report said UN has imposed first time sanctions over North Korea in 2008 and no country is cooperating except India.

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India had left no stone unturned in the past to blame and accuse Pakistan over the issue of nuclear cooperation with Notth Korea. However after the revelations by the Al Jazeera neither Indian government nor the Indian media has shown any rebuttal of the news from the official quarters.

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Indian nuclear cooperation and collaboration with North Korea despite the UN sanctions has once again raised serious concerns over the eligibility of the India for the membership of the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG).

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