ISI is inbreakable, admits Former RAW Chief AS Dulat

ISI is inbreakable, admits Former RAW Chief AS Dulat

LAHORE- According to AS Dulat, former head of Indian intelligence agency RAW (Research and Analysis Wing), Pakistan Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) is inbreakable and RAW could not dent it.

He said India’s biggest intel failure was that they couldn’t turn an ISI officer or had any ISI officer working for them.

He made these revelations in his book, co-authored by ex-head of ISI, *The Spy Chronicles RAW, ISI and the Illusion of Peace. *While answering the question asked by the moderator of the conversation between two former chiefs, Dulat said, “Our biggest failure against Pakistan is that we’ve not been able to turn around an ISI officer or have an ISI officer working for us. Or not to my knowledge, at a level where it counts.”

“If you go back to the Cold War, what was the main task of a CIA officer? It was to somehow find a defector,” shared Dulat and added, “If a CIA guy found a defector then for the rest of his career he didn’t need to do anything, because he had done what was supremely required.”

According to Dulat, while RAW tried to find a defector in ISI, they couldn’t, and that’s the biggest failure of Indian spy agency.

A defector is someone who turns against his own agency and starts working for the enemy.

While Dulat showed his disappointment for not finding anyone in ISI who would turn against Pakistan, Asad Durrani, former ISI chief, shared that they have had pretty good intel from India in 1965.