India summons Pakistani envoy in New Delhi

India summons Pakistani envoy in New Delhi

NEW DELHI - Pakistan’s Deputy High Commissioner Syed Haider Shah was on Wednesday summoned and a strong protest was lodged over the killing of a seven-month-old infant in unprovoked ceasefire violations by Pakistani forces in Jammu and Kashmir’s Bhimber sector.

The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) said it was conveyed to Shah that the “deliberate targeting” of innocent civilians by Pakistani forces using small arms and high caliber weapons is “highly deplorable and condemned in the strongest terms”.

“Shah was summoned today and strong protest was lodged at the loss of life of a seven-month-old infant in unprovoked ceasefire violations by Pakistan forces on May 21,” the MEA said.

It said Pakistani authorities were called upon to investigate such heinous acts of killing innocent civilians and instruct its forces to desist from such acts immediately.