In a blow to PM Modi, Former Indian Home Minister seconds Pakistan’s stance on Occupied Kashmir

In a blow to PM Modi, Former Indian Home Minister seconds Pakistan’s stance on Occupied Kashmir

ISLAMABAD: Former Indian Home Minister P Chidambaram supported the stance of Pakistan on Kashmir issue, saying that Jammu and Kashmir has a unique geographical location and history, which needs a solution in line with the demand of the majority population.

During a media interview, the former home minister of India referred to the historical background of Jammu and Kashmir and said, for Kashmir, “We have to find a solution that may turn out to be unique, The whole effort should be quiet until the contours of a political solution to the problem are found.

This is essential to take the process forward” a private news channel reported.

He further said, “Once the broad contours of a political solution are arrived at, it should be made public at an appropriate time. We must find a solution that is honorable, equitable and acceptable to the vast majority, overwhelming majority, of the people of Jammu and Kashmir.”

Mr. P Chidambaram is deemed as a close aide to Congress leaders, Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi.

South Asian giant Pakistan has always urged that Kashmir issue must be resolved in accordance with the desire of Kashmiri people – a solution which is not acceptable to India.

Recently, in a telephonic conversation with the Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, Prime Minister Imran Khan raised concerns over the ongoing atrocities and brutalities being perpetrated against the Kashmiris by Indian security forces.

The Pakistani premier further called to resolve the Kashmir conflict according to the will of Kashmiris, “they should be given their right of self-determination”, the PM asserted during telephonic talk with UN chief. - APP