President Donald Trump likely to be impeached

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2018-08-24T00:25:42+05:00 News Desk

WASHINGTON - Donald Trump could be months away from facing impeachment due to his former lawyer Michael Cohen's guilty plea, a former adviser to the US president's campaign warned Today, PTI has reported.

Cohen pleaded guilty to eight felony counts on Tuesday that included tax fraud, false statements to a bank and campaign finance violations tied to his work for Trump. He also pleaded guilty for facilitating payments to prevent two women, including porn star Stormy Daniels, from discussing their "alleged affairs with a presidential candidate, thereby intending to influence the 2016 presidential election."

"This is all they (Democrats) need for impeachment," Michael Caputo, a communications adviser during Trump's 2016 run for the presidency, was quoted by CNN as saying.

"If the Democrats take over the House during the midterm elections, this indication coming out of the Southern District of New York, this charge, is enough for them to run an impeachment against the President, even in the first quarter," he said. Asked if Trump was closer to impeachment than he was 48 hours ago, before Cohen pleaded guilty, Caputo said, "I believe so," adding that the recent indictments against Republican Repressentative Chris Collins of New York and Duncan Hunter of California show that "we've got real problems in the House of Representatives."

Caputo also said he believes the mid-term elections in November will be crucial as it will determine whether voters support or oppose impeachment.

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