French election: Macron emerges as favorite to clinch Presidential race

French election: Macron emerges as favorite to clinch Presidential race

PARIS: Pro-European centrist Emmanuel Macron and anti-immigration leader Marine Le Pen began a final duel for the French Presidency Monday, after a first round of voting delivered a stunning blow to the traditional political class.

Macron is clear favourite to become France's youngest president after topping Sunday's ballot with 23.75 percent of votes, slightly ahead of National Front (FN) leader Le Pen on 21.53 percent, according to final results.

"For months and again today I've heard the doubts, the anger and the fears of the French people. Their desire for change too," 39-year-old Macron told thousands of flag-waving, cheering supporters in Paris on Sunday.

He pledged to unite "patriots" behind his agenda to renew French politics and modernise the country against Le Pen and "the threat of nationalists" as mainstream political leaders urged voters to back him and keep the far-right away from the Elysee Palace.

Polls suggest the ex-investment banker would beat Le Pen easily in the second round run-off on May 7, which will not feature a candidate from the traditional left or right for the first time in six decades.

Despite serving as economy minister in the outgoing Socialist government of Francois Hollande, Macron casts himself as a political "outsider", who only recently formed his movement "En Marche!" ("On the move").

"The challenge is to break completely with the system which has been unable to find solutions to the problems of our country for more than 30 years," Macron said, already eyeing crucial parliamentary elections in June.

Amid jubilant scenes at Macron's party, supporter Marie-Helene Visconti, a 60-year-old artist, said the result was "a victory for openness, social-mindedness." (APP)