Pakistan Army unveils its lockdown plan against the Coronavirus outbreak

Pakistan Army unveils its lockdown plan against the Coronavirus outbreak

ISLAMABAD - Pakistan army unveils its lockdown plan after the federal government authorized the deployment of forces across the country for handling lockdown amid #COVID19.

DG ISPR Babar Iftekhar addresses media through a live video conference here on Monday and explains how the Pakistan army is going to support federal and provincial governments in a war against Novel coronavirus.

The ministry of Interior has called the Pakistan Army under article 245 of the constitution of Pakistan, DG narrated.

DG said that world has tested our nation in the earthquake of 2005, flood of 2010 and in the war against terrorism. This time we are facing a unique danger and army stands by shoulder to shoulder with the civil administration for combating the pandemic.

Mr. Babar also said that all the medical resources hold by military will be used to counter the novel corona virus. Its tough time and we have to take more tough decisions on individual, family and society level.

He stated the lockdown plan by Pak Army and said all borders have been closed and unnecessary movement will be banned. Intercity transport service will be used only for food supply chain and public transport within the city will be remain closed.

International flights will be remain closed till 4th April 2020, Babar Iftekhar told. Meanwhile hospitals, Medical stores and the factories creating medical equipment will remain opened.

The DG said, COAS General Qamar Bajwa has decided to donate his one month salary to the fund created for #COVID19, Meanwhile all other military officials and soldiers will donate their 3 to 1 day salary as per their ranks.

DG ISPR also discussed the burning issue of Kashmir and said it’s a day to remember the sacrifices of People in Indian occupied Kashmir, they will definitely succeed in their struggle one day.