Formulation of strategic trade policy 2018-2023 initiated'

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SIALKOT: Director General Trade Policy Nauman Aslam has said that initial work on formulation of strategic trade policy framework 2018-2023 has been initiated.
"In this regard we are holding series of consultative sessions with the members of business communities and trade bodies of the country," he said.

Talking to here Monday at a local hotel, he said that concept of holding consultative sessions is to ascertain the opinion of trade bodies for bringing radical changes in the new trade policy 2018-2023. He disclosed that over US 40 billion dollar will be the export target in new trade policy, adding that adequate efforts will be made for attaining the fixed target with the active support of the exporter community.

He said that special attention will be accorded while formulation of new trade policy on enhancing export and earning of maximum foreign exchange.

The Director General further told that special attention will also be paid on the promotion of SMEs, women entrepreneurship and investment in the country.

About the decline in export, he said that it was due to rescission in international market but now the exports of the country are on upward.

The Director General further stated that strenuous efforts would be made for the redressal of problems confronted by the business community in new trade policy enabling them to play their instrumental role in enhancing the export-volume of the country.
The consultative session was organized by Commerce Ministry in collaboration with Pakistan Regional Economic Integration Activity (PREIA), USAID funded project, and TDAP in a local hotel.

The meeting was attended by Presidents of Gujranwala, Gujrat, Sialkot Chambers, Representatives of Pakistan Cutlery and Stainless Utensils Manufacturers and Exporters Association, Pakistan Sports Goods Manufacturers and Exporters Association, Surgical Instrument Manufacturers Association of Pakistan, Pakistan Gloves Manufacturers and Exporters Association, Pakistan Readymade Garments anufacturers and Exporters Association and representatives of Trade Potential Sectors of Sialkot and its adjoining areas.

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