PM Imran Khan's message to the nation on Eid ul Azha

PM Imran Khan's message to the nation on Eid ul Azha

ISLAMABAD – Prime Minister Imran Khan has said that the spirit of sacrifice is of universal importance and no nation in the world can progress unless it demonstrates the spirit of sacrifice.

“Observing the Sunnah of Hazrat Ibrahim requires us to exhibit the spirit of sacrifice in all fields of life.

We have to work for the country’s progress, development and welfare by rising above our personal interests, priorities and prejudices,” the prime minister said in a message to nation on the eve of Eid ul Azha.

Imran Khan felicitated the Pakistani nation on the Eid and prayed to Allah Almighty to accept the prayers and sacrifices offered by the people and make the same a source of blessings for them.

He said Eid ul Azha was observed in remembrance of the submission of Hazrat Ibrahim and Hazrat Ismail (May Allah be pleased with both of them) before Allah Almighty.

The day was set as an eternal example of sacrifice by the prophets of Allah Almighty, which would be followed till the Day of Judgment.

He said the sacrifice was not about slaying an animal, but submitting before the will of the Almighty and surrendering one’s desires in the way to attain higher objectives.

That spirit, he said, developed an exceptional quality in a person which helped him stay steadfast in difficult times and did not let him drift away from the righteous path.

“While celebrating our festivities of Eid, we should remember our brothers and sisters, who are facing the brunt of difficult financial conditions.

We should also be vigilant lest our neighbour misses the joys of Eid,” he said.

The prime minister said the builders and defenders of Pakistan should also not be forgotten, who had sacrificed their lives for the great mission of safeguarding the country.

He prayed to Allah Almighty to bless everyone with the real happiness of Eidul Azha, accept the offerings rendered before Him and guide all to observe the act of worship in its true essence.