Hybrid wheat from China successfully grown in Pakistan

Hybrid wheat from China successfully grown in Pakistan

ISLAMABAD - In different areas across the country, hybrid wheat from China has been successfully grown and is likely to be introduced in other Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) countries as well.

China’s biggest agricultural inputs company, Sinochem Group Agriculture Division’s Song Weibo told the Global Times on Tuesday that the company’s hybrid wheat has been harvested on a large scale in Pakistan using the two-line hybrid technique.

According to Song, the company is also looking to promote hybrid wheat in North America and Europe.

Citing data from the University of Agriculture in Peshawar, an expert from the Beijing Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences (BAAFS) said that Pakistan has increased wheat production in the north by 50.1 per cent in the last two years.

According to data from Pakistan-based Guard Agricultural Research and Services Company shows that during the same period, wheat production in the country’s middle regions has increased by 45 per cent.

Analysts hailed the project as an example of China’s commitment to transfer advanced technologies and promote regional development in the framework of the BRI

China is promoting domestically developed hybrid wheat for commercial purposes. The two-line hybrid technique is often used in hybrid rice and wheat and can increase wheat production by 20 per cent.