Turkey to send OIC's fact-finding mission in IOK for exposing Indian Army brutalities

Turkey to send OIC's fact-finding mission in IOK for exposing Indian Army brutalities

UNITED NATIONS: (APP) Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday exchanged views on regional situation in South Asia as well as the Middle East, particularly in the Indian Occupied Kashmir, Syria and Iraq.

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President Erdogan said that Turkey will make arrangements for sending a fact finding mission to Indian Occupied Kashmir in the capacity of the Chair of human rights commission of the OIC Contact Group.

The two leaders met on the sidelines of the 71st UN General Assembly session in New York. This was the first meeting between both the leaders since the failed coup attempt in Turkey on July 15, 2016.

The Prime Minister was assisted by Sartaj Aziz, Adviser to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs, Syed Tariq Fatemi, Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs and Foreign Secretary Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry, among others.

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Prime Minister Sharif conveyed the sense of relief and strong sentiment of support on behalf of Pakistani people to President Erdogan on his successful handling of the coup.

Nawaz Sharif was among the first world leaders to call the Turkish President and express Pakistan's support and solidarity with the democratically elected government and the people of Turkey while the coup was being thwarted.

The Prime Minister reiterated strong support for the people of Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir who have been the victims of brutal atrocities at the hands of Indian occupation forces for decades.

He shared the latest situation in Kashmir, especially the uprising that has unfolded in recent months as a result of barbaric Indian acts of violence against innocent Kashmiris and gross human rights abuses at the state level.

Prime Minister Sharif thanked the Turkish President for his support.

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The Turkish President said, "We are friends forever; Turkey and Pakistan are inseparable countries."

The Prime Minister conveyed condolences to the Turkish President on the recent terrorist incidents in various cities across Turkey that had led to the loss of precious human lives.

He expressed hope that the brave Turkish brethren will be able to overcome these challenges soon.

President Erdogan said Turkey and Pakistan have always been and will continue to remain strong and steadfast partners in bringing peace and progress in their respective regions as well as in the Muslim world.

The Prime Minister hailed the positive contribution of Turkish companies who had invested in infrastructure and services sector in Pakistan. He invited Turkish firms to enhance their investment in Pakistan.

While highlighting the significance of Pakistan-Turkey Free Trade Agreement, the Prime Minister stressed upon the need for finalizing it at the earliest so that both countries could maximize the trade potential.

He thanked the Turkish President for playing a constructive role in the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG).

The Prime Minister shared details of Pakistan's strong credentials in non-proliferation as well as nuclear safety and security which make it an ideal candidate for NSG membership.